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  • Mardi 30 Avril 2024 - Séminaire Orateur(s) : Philippe MARTIN (Institut Curie)

    Demystifying Machine and Deep Learning and overview of their applications in biology

    Artificial Intelligence is a broad term that is often misunderstood. Its subfields, such as machine and deep learning have achieved astonishing performances, such as some Large Language Models passing the Turing Test or AlphaFold offering a solution to a 50 years old problem. Because new technolo...

  • Jeudi 2 Mai 2024 - Séminaire institutionnel "Mayent - Rothschild" Orateur(s) : Claude DESPLAN (NYU Department of Biology)


    Claude Desplan1,2, Nikos Konstantinides1, Felix Simon1, Neset Ozel1, Isabel Holguera1, Jennifer Malin1, Yen Chen1, and Bogdan Sieriebriennikov1   1 Center for Developmental Genetics, Department of Biology, New York University, New York, USA; 2 Center for Genomics and System Biology, NYU Abu...

  • Jeudi 2 Mai 2024 - Séminaire Keynote BDD Orateur(s) : Chiara Sinigaglia (BIOM, Banyuls/Mer)

    Common threads in regeneration: mechano-chemical insights from a jellyfish model

    How randomly injured animals can appropriately re-establish positional information and control the deployment of repair programs are key questions of regenerative biology. The hydrozoan jellyfish Clytia hemisphaerica has recently emerged as an original model organism for probing repair phenomena,...

  • Vendredi 3 Mai 2024 - Séminaire Orateur(s) : Anne Brunet (Stanford University School of Medicine)

    Understanding and modeling aging

    Aging is associated with a decline in tissue function and the onset of a constellation of diseases. We are interested in understanding aging, with a particular focus on brain aging. Because aging is complex, we use organisms with diverse lifespans – the worm C. elegans, the African killifis...

  • Mardi 7 Mai 2024 - Séminaire Cell Biology Series Orateur(s) : Matthias Peter (ETH HönggerbergInstitut für Biochemie)

    Protéger et recycler : comment les cellules régulent la dormance

    Nos recherches visent à élucider comment la croissance et la division cellulaires sont régulées dans l'espace et dans le temps, notamment par la dégradation sélective des composants cellulaires. Les cellules eucaryotes utilisent l'autophagie et le système ubiquitine-protéasome (UPS) pour assurer ...

  • Lundi 13 Mai 2024 - Séminaire Orateur(s) : Jeroen Roose (University of California, San Francisco)

    “Deconstruct-Reconstruct” – Decode cancer-immune crosstalk & probe with organoids.

    The Roose team at UCSF studies mechanisms of cell-cell interactions in immunology and cancer1-7, with emphasis on personalized medicine4,8 and single cell approaches9-11. Over the past 7 years, we shifted a large portion of our research efforts to understanding human biology and disease. We are d...

  • Mardi 14 Mai 2024 - Séminaire Nuclear dynamic series Orateur(s) : Erik van Nimwegen (Biozentrum, University of Basel)

    How do single bacterial cells think?

    The functioning of genome-wide gene regulatory networks in bacteria presents us with an apparent paradox. On the one hand, bacterial populations successfully coordinate their gene expression patterns and phenotypes to allow them to grow in a huge variety of environments, including complex combina...

  • Mardi 21 Mai 2024 - Séminaire Cell Biology Series Orateur(s) : Jan SKOTHEIM

    Contrôle de la taille des cellules

    La taille des cellules joue un rôle crucial dans le fonctionnement de divers types de cellules dans tout le corps humain, influençant la structure des organites, la biosynthèse et les processus de transport en surface. Bien que certains gènes influençant la taille des cellules aient été identifié...

  • Mardi 21 Mai 2024 - Séminaire Orateur(s) : Hironori Funabiki (The Rockefeller University, New York)

    Nucleosomes and DNA methylation – implications for immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial anomalies (ICF) syndrome and cancers

    DNA methylation is a broadly observed epigenetic modification. As genomic DNA methylation profiles dynamically change during development and aging, alterations in DNA methylation patterns are linked to diseases such as cancers and immunodeficiency. ICF syndrome is characterized by hypomethylation...

  • Du Mercredi 22 Mai 2024 Au Mercredi 29 Mai 2024 - Cours international - séminaire

    Génome non-codant

    Le cours « NON-CODING GENOME » explorera la diversité des éléments d'ADN non géniques et des ARN non codants dans un large spectre de processus cellulaires, chez l'homme et les organismes modèles, ainsi que leur implication dans la physiologie et la pathologie. Des experts de renommée internation...

  • Vendredi 31 Mai 2024 - Séminaire Orateur(s) : Wei Yang (National Institute of Health - NIH)

    Cutting and Pasting DNA to Create our Adaptive Immune System

    V(D)J recombination is essential for generating the adaptive immune response and unlimited number of different antibodies and antigen receptors. Encoded by multiple V, D and J gene segments, antigen receptors are assembled by programmed double-stranded DNA cleavage and imprecise re-joining. RAG1/...

  • Mardi 11 Juin 2024 - Séminaire Cell Biology Series Orateur(s) : Stefan RAUNSER (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology )

    Structures in situ des sarcomères musculaires et des protéines sarcomères

    Les sarcomères sont des dispositifs musculaires générateurs de force et porteurs de charge. Une image moléculaire précise de la façon dont les sarcomères sont construits permet de comprendre leur rôle dans la santé et les maladies. Nous avons déterminé l'architecture moléculaire des sarcomères sq...

  • Mercredi 17 Juillet 2024 - Séminaire Orateur(s) : Jianping FU

    Bioengineering Human Embryo and Organ Models

    Early human development remains mysterious and difficult to study.  Recent advances in developmental biology, stem cell biology and bioengineering have contributed to a significant interest in constructing controllable, stem cell-based models of human embryo and organs (embryoids / organoids).  T...

  • Du Lundi 30 Septembre 2024 Au Vendredi 4 Octobre 2024 - Cours international - séminaire

    Analyse spatiale de données multimodales : quand les omiques rencontrent les images (Biologie des Systèmes du Cancer)

    Le cours réunira des intervenants de premier plan issus de différents domaines de la biologie des systèmes cancéreux, de la recherche sur le cancer et de la clinique. Les orateurs invités exposeront diverses approches pour l'analyse et l'interprétation des données omiques, d'imagerie et cliniques...

  • Mardi 15 Octobre 2024 - Séminaire Orateur(s) : Sara Lucia Giustina Sigismund

    Endocytic control of cell plasticity in cancer

    Over the past two decades, there has been a significant shift in our understanding of the role of endocytosis and trafficking of signaling receptors. It has evolved from being viewed simply as a signal extinguisher (resulting in long-term attenuation) to being recognized as a sophisticated mechan...

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